Masons of California

Cornerstone Campaign

The Cornerstone Society is a special group of donors who have included the California Masonic Foundation in their will or estate plan. A legacy gift to the Foundation ensures that critical fraternal relief and support of public education will endure for future generations.

Founding Members

Karen Joe Abbott, in loving memory of Charles Gordon Abbott
Larry and Lynn Adamson
Thomas T. Albers
John L. and Heather Cooper
David and Nancy Decker
George L. Geanoulis
Allan and Clara Gresham
David D. and Nora E. Johnson
Howard D. Kirkpatrick
Jack R. Leavitt
John and Becky Lowe
Kenneth G. and Kathy Nagel
Michael D. and Myra E. Neben
Mark and Beth Pressey
Fred and Marlene Sorsabal
Melvyn B. Stein
Myron A. Tisdel
Frederick J. and Ethel E. Wentz
Gary and Deann Yanes
Eugene W. Yee



Jean A. and Janice Abadie
Ronald W. Alcorn III
James B. Allen
Dennis Anastole
Marvin R. Andrews
Jon D. Armantrout
John B. and Sandra E. Armstrong
Jim Arnold
Fred L. Avery
Durward and Caroline Ayre
James and Jennifer Banta
Rick and Barb Baskin
Paul Bazerkanian
Jeffrey and Trisha Bear
Michael and Debbie Bear
Nathaniel S. Bendel
Brian P. Bezner
Maurice and Olga Bernard
Dell Bleiler
Edward R. and Carmen M. Boitano
Lucien A. Bone
Lloyd and Vivian Boshaw
William J. Bray
Michael D. and Patricia Brown
Kyle E. Burch
James Mason Busch
Walter “Joe” and Mary Jane Campbell
Allan L. Casalou
Garrett and JoMay Chan
Gary Charland
Russ and Linda Charvonia
Gregory B. Cherry
Roger L. Poynts and Nancy L. Christman
Tony and Leila Cimarra
Melvin Stanley Clark
Thomas E. Colgan Family Trust
Douglas Cooper
Barrie R. and Kai Di Copp
Michael and Norma Cornell
David and Kathy Coss
Charles and Sandra Cross
Albert and Carolyn Cua
William A. Cunningham
Daniel J. Dailey PM
James R. Davis and Judith A. Butler
Justin J. Daza-Ritchie
Gerald P. and Lynn M. Devine
Jesse Dimas
Stephen Doan
David R. and Teri Doan
Randy and Micki Downey
Marty Eisenberg
James W. Erickson
Ronald M. Forsberg
Roland L. Ghazal
Mark N. Gibson
Robert J. Gibson
Theodore Glen Gibson
Candler Gibson
Robert H. Gilbert
Robert and Elva Green
Richard M. Gross
Kevin Hall
Richard M. Hall
Lisa and Ben Hamilton Family Trust
Adam Hanin
Steven J. Harris
Richard and Lisa Hatchett
Eric Hatfield
George W. and Catherine Helling
Jack and Debra Hennings
Kevin Herrick
Ronald G. Hewitson
Jesse and Maxine Hill
Robert L. and Wilma Hobbs
Richard W. and Judi Hopper
Dr. Robert and Dr. Louise Hutchinson
Rick Hutchinson
Douglas D. Ismail
Raymond W. James
James O. Jarnagin
Phillip Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Cal Johnston
Julius “Sandy” Kahn
Richard A. and Pamela S. Kellogg
Steven and Fidelia Klein
Robert and Sandhy Klute
Jay and Karen Krumholtz
Timothy and Julie Kuzelka
Jerry G. Laiblin
Fred M. Larmie
Ricky and Patty Lawler
James and Annie Lee
Robert L. and Patricia A. Lehow
Stella Leichner
Edmund Leviste
William Thomas and June Marie Lewis III
Frederick T. Lezak Jr.
Edmond and Annette Lim
Ian and Jane Linton
Brandon T. Lippincott
Frank and Jeanie Loui

Members (Cont.)

Richard Lyon
Edward A. and C. Diane Mackerley
Melvin and Marilyn Magnet
William J. Malmstrom
Ara Maloyan
Redentor M. Manuto
Christian G. Marano
Harry L. and Carolyn J. Maynard
Ira Neal Mazer
Donald B. Mc Cann
Michael McKeown
Mark McNee and Suzanna Martinez
Michael and Dee McReynolds
Nancy McVean
Douglas G. Menard
Gordon S. and Margaret D. Metroka
James I. Menzies
John R. Miewald
Michael L. Miller
Kendall and Janet Mills
Nicholas Mitchell
John M. and Elaine Morrison
Bernhard Morse
Patrick and Rosie Muldoon
Don Muller
Joseph D. Murdock
Mark A. Nielsen
Gregg R. Novotny
Steven Oakley, Esq.
David Y. Okamoto
Michael A. Padilla
Rodger and Jorene Page
Chad William Pape
Robert H. Pepple
Gary L. Peterson
Sidney L. Pond
Michael S. Potopea III
Roger L. Poynts and Nancy L. Christman
Thom Pryor
Gary and Heidi Quintrell
“Bud” and Susan Ramsey
Irwin M. and Shirley Randolph
Aaron S. Reddoch
Walter and Nancy Ringwald
Norman and Agnes Roberts
Robert Robbins
Lindy and Loretta Robinson
David R. and Lois Z. Rodger
Harold Rodieck
Eduardo Rodriguez
Philippe Paul Saisse
Art and Laura Salazar
Mike A. Salazar
Jeffrey Mark Schimsky and Kendra Suzanne Miller
Ariyeh G. and Susan J. Schmeder
Joseph and Dorothy Seckelmann
Ralph C. Shelton II
Robert L. Sills
Michael J. Singer
William B. Simpson
Chris D. and Lynise M. Smith
Wil and Michelle Smith
Stephen and Marjorie Smith
Richard Alan Snyder
Hugh A. and Dominique M. Soules
Gary D. Sparks
Scott D. Spiegel
Carl C. Spring, Jr.
Charles M. Steiger
Roy Ellis Steinfeld
Sally Stokes-Cole
Robert S. Strohmeyer
Elwin O. and Terry J. Studebaker, Jr.
Charles T. and Sheila A. Sweet
Khalil Sweidy
Arnie M. Tabinas
Michael Tagulao
Alexander J. Teodoro
Michael and Kasey Thibodeaux
Scottie B. and Neita Thomason
Charles E. and Ann Tooth
Barbara M. and Clifford C. Topliff
Hercules H. Valdez
Matthew and Kimberley Vander Horck
Toby Vanderbeek
Vincent A. and Betty J. Verlod
Reino I. Wantin
James A. Warnken
Arthur and Barbara Weiss
Kennard Allen Wellner
Raymond S. Werner
Donald O. Weyhrauch
Robert and Virginia Whitfield
Jeffery M. Wilkins
Knox and June Williams
Todd and Virginia Williams
Michael Wilson
Jeff and Marianne Winters
Adam Wolf
Richard O. and Vicki Wright
Stuart A. and Julie M. Wright
Jordan T. Yelinek
Barrett W. Young