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Los Angeles Region


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La Dodgers Foundation

Dodgers Dreamteam is a comprehensive sports-based youth development program that uses the power of sport to provide critical resources and services to communities who are experiencing social injustices. The Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation (LADF) works in partnership with 16 Affiliate Partners to deliver sports-based programming and wraparound services for 13,000 youth and to support communities and families across the city. With growing interest in Dodgers Dreamteam programming from the community, LADF aims to serve 25,000 youth annually by 2030.

Dodgers Dreamteam Goals:

  • To provide an inclusive, barrier-free sports-based youth development program that is typically reserved for the elite.
  • To deliver programs, services, and resources that address basic needs, education and health care.
  • To train parents and coaches to create a youth sports environment that fosters social and emotional learning opportunities.
  • To increase participation of underrepresented groups, specifically Black youth, girls, and teenagers.

To learn more about the Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation and Dodgers Dreamteam, please visit

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